Parental Involvement vs. Parental Intimidation



Parents are and will always be the core of a child’s physical, social and academic development.  If children are fed a balanced diet, their bodies will be healthy. If children are taught manners, they will get along just fine with those around them.  If parents support a vivid educational environment, children will yearn for knowledge. As an educator, there are few things more exciting and/or welcoming, than that of involved parents.

Involved parents help their children learn by supporting them and their teachers.  Involved parents make sure the teacher is doing their job by asking questions and communicating with them.  They might ask the goals of the weekly lesson, or the methods in which homework assignments will further enhance the students’ knowledge.  Involved parents might meet with administrators and other school faculty to plan and assist in creating a more holistic educational environment for their child.  Involved parents are there to work alongside the educators for the benefit of their children.

Parent intimidators do none of those things.  Parent intimidators disguise educational support of their children with scare tactics and what we in the school system call ‘bullying.’  Parent intimidators only show up when they feel something might have been wrong or not to their liking.  Parent intimidators rarely look at long term growth of their children, and instead focus on menial topics that they disagree with.  Parent intimidators feel that if they put enough scare into teachers, they’ll get exactly what they want.  Parent intimidators have an unwarranted sense of entitlement and bravado.

Parent intimidators are by no means the majority, but there are plenty out there.  Unfortunately, there are also plenty of parents who are absent in their child’s educational life.  But those intimidators should know that just because they are not absent, does not mean that they are involved.

Educators are by no means perfect… and there are some that are indeed there for the paycheck.  I think I speak for the rest of us for whom education is a calling and who truly love our job, that we wish as much as the general public, that those teachers were ousted out of our schools.

All parents obviously have a right to, and definitely should, defend and fight for their child if something wrong is being done to them (there are plenty of examples, but it is not the majority either)… that is a given.  But if your purpose is to have it your way or else, you are not helping your child grow, you are teaching narcissism.  You are part of the reason why many of the qualified teachers are living with the fear of lawsuit everyday… while still taking the time to teach your child to not only gain knowledge, but become a better person.  If you want your child to be more successful academically, Be an involved parent, not an intimidator.

2 thoughts on “Parental Involvement vs. Parental Intimidation

  1. mewhoami

    This is becoming way too much of a common occurrence these days. Those parents are doing nothing, but teaching their children to be bullies. I can’t imagine what the world will be like for future generations if this continues.


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